EQUIPMENT FOR INNER PEACE: Mural created during Covid-19 “Quarantine”

9ft by 6ft— acrylic on canvas. I made it to hang in my room in front of the closet as a sort of stand in zen sand garden artwork.

Equipment for inner peace is an abstraction of my favorite setting for renewal, the beach. More than a tribute to my love for 1970’s wood inlay and Japanese landscape drawings, the process of creating this painting has been a physical manifestation of a reflective journey. While the process for creating this work got plenty of “air time” on instagram stories, the undocumented moments during its creation have been equally valuable. I took a step back from sharing the process, Spent it on FaceTime, phone calls, and window visits with friends & family. Sharing the little moments of our lives during the COVID-19 pandemic, keeping one another company, reflecting on ways we can arrive at better versions of ourselves to bring about a better version of this world.

I intend to screenprint this artwork for sale and donate a portion of proceeds to a cause I see fit at the time.

my dad has the garden

because he likes watching it grow

and so does Margaret now

she built a garden in her own yard

surprise, ripe “good mornings”

bare as I can be in the sun

for so many minutes per day

to sense active healing

harnessing hopeful habits

a whole glass of water

I feel good about not having let

my nails grow too long

the dog eats on a schedule

and feels right about it

I harness images, let them hold

what I can’t do aloud

I neither feel right, nor wrong

raking the leaves

and vacuuming the rug

I see still patterns

and dancing light

I enter them

equipment for inner peace